Tag Archive for: saddle pad

Mule with mule saddle


Say hi to Earl! Thank you to Cheryl for sending in this photo of her along with her boy up in Garden Valley, Idaho. Cheryl has made a lot of strides forward with Earl, changing out her equipment for equipment designed specifically for the mule.

Man riding mammoth donkeys in utah

Two Mammoths

Say hi to these two mammoths! Owner (and rider) Dave sent in this photo and says that he takes these two into the mountains of Utah, a lot! He is a hunter and a trail rider.

Picture of Emma Riding Goliath the Mammoth Donkey


Say hi to Goliath! Vicki sent in this picture of her 8 year old mammoth with her daughter, Emma, on board. They are just starting Goliath under saddle, looks like they found a good fit!

Kayla Riding Flynn the Mule Barrel Racing


Say hi to Flynn! This is Flynn with owner Kayla riding at a charity barrel racing event.

Mule with saddle, breast collar, britchen, cinches


Meet Nikkita. What a great looking mule!