Say hi to Dan! His owner, David, sent in this picture of Dan all decked out with his new duds on. What a good lookin’ mule!
Say hi to Dan! His owner, David, sent in this picture of Dan all decked out with his new duds on. What a good lookin’ mule!
Say hi to Cotton (the wonder mule)! Cotton’s owner, Dee, says she is a hoot to ride and appreciates the bond that they have formed together. It didn’t happen right away, but she can feel it now!
Say hi to Dixie and Trixie! This picure is from the day owner Marty bought them as 15-year-old half sisters.
Say hi to Flynn! This is Flynn with owner Kayla riding at a charity barrel racing event.
Say hi to Luna! Luna is a molly mule, 16 -years-young. Many thanks to Cindy for sending in this photo of her and Luna riding together during February.
Say hi to Molly! She is a 5-year-old Tennessee Walker. According to her owner Jess, Molly is always ready to move cows in the snow and do whatever needs to be done!
Say hi to Primrose! She’s all dressed up and ready for adventure 🙂
Say hi to Gus up in Alaska. The weather finally cooperated and he was able to go out and play in the snow with a Come-A-Long Rope!